Sparrow Capital – Lucina Midwives


I’ve always been fascinated by primordial forces, whether they be elemental, existential, psychological, or causal, because they are stable: a source that never changes, even when all in the world is flipped and turned upside down, something we may approach but never fully understand. Carly is a radiant caregiver. In our first conversations, she not only revealed a deep appreciation of the blessing of being present for the birth of a new human being, but moreover spoke of and embodied something timeless and fundamentally mysterious. For all these reasons, the video created itself, almost too easily. There was perfect sunlight in the room on arrival on shoot day, and when we sat down for the interview, Carly spoke perfectly and clearly, all in one go. From there it was just a matter of lensing the babies and rooms and simply getting out of the way and letting the mysteries and scale of the birthing process and midwifery speak for themselves.


Sparrow Capital – Kulin


Sparrow Capital – RGD RD